The Neverfull bag is a true icon in the world of luxury handbags. Since the beginning of the production of this bag it has captivated luxury fashion enthusiasts, it has become a much-wanted bag, because of its style and functionality. The bag has a timeless design, is of good quality, it really secured its place in designer fashion. But this amazing bag set quite a stir in the fashion world, when rumors started about the discontinuation of the bag. Louis Vuitton had not yet confirmed nor denied the rumors, but what does this news mean for bag lovers?
The Neverfull
Leather vs Canvas
Another reason that is named online is that Louis Vuitton wants to make more leather goods. For quite a few months now people have been speculating that Louis Vuitton wants to get rid of their canvas to produce more leather goods. We do not believe that Louis Vuitton will ever completely discontinue its canvas. But we do see the appeal of making it more exclusive, and they can do so by producing less canvas pieces.
Will the bag be discontinued?
We did a bit of research to check if the Neverfull really was going to be discontinued, and we can tell you that the rumors about the discontinuation of the Neverfull are false, the Neverfull will not be discontinued. But from now on you must be waitlisted in order to get one. Louis Vuitton is trying to limit the number of bags produced, another positive that comes with this is that they are focusing more on building long-term customer relationships.
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For a lot of customers, the Neverfull is their one and only purchase from Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton does not want that to happen, hence why they implemented the waitlist system, this will make the customers come to the store twice, one time to order it and one time to receive it.
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